About Smart Water Use

Liberty Utilities is an environmentally conscientious organization, incorporating green technology and reclaimed water into our everyday business practices, and giving our customers the knowledge and tools to be water wise.

Smart Water Use Purpose

We have a responsibility to operate as clean and efficiently as possible for the benefit of future generations. Through sustainable planning, we are able to reduce our environmental footprint and sustain our resources for future generations.

Smart Water Use Vision

Together, through proactive system maintenance and adopting energy and water efficient technologies and best management practices, we are able to ensure reliable services today, while protecting our precious resources for tomorrow.

Smart Water Use Benefits

The adoption of clean technologies and environmentally sound practices helps us to be a leader in efficiency, reduces stress on our environment, protects our water resources, and ensures our water will be around for years to come.

Environmental Responsibility

From leak detection in our system to solar energy, Liberty Utilities is creating environmentally responsible, low-impact services for our customers and environment.

Smart Water Use Programs

View our customer efficiency programs and find other agency programs in your community.

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